Monday, 11 February 2013

The Pinnacle of my frustration

I am incapable of enjoying Lombok.

Whilst sitting in the Wira Guest house yesterday I came to this conclusion;

I am chronically frustrated.

I had a whole day and I used it for sleeping and reading. I have no desire to see anything or go anywhere, and also no desire to stay where I am.

This all started from that bad night's sleep in Gili, I hastily bought a ticket to Lombok in order to escape. But I got scammed - although I have arrived here and at my hotel for the correct fare, the travel agent lied to me about the possibility of climbing the Rinjani Volcano. It's common knowledge here that the route is shut, and his only intention must have been to get me here so that I will buy other tours off of him. I am in Sengiggi -  there is absolutely sweet FA to do here. But oh! what's this? You can buy a transfer to somewhere more exciting for a small fee! The travel agent will also recommend you his friend's guest house for a special price (most likely a lot more than the room is actually worth).

Nope, that's it, I've had enough. I'm catching the first plane out that I can. Trouble is that now it's Chinese new year all the fares have doubled. Crapsticks.

The plus of this story is that when I was sold my ticket over here, I hadn't paid for it. The vendor told me to pay for it when I arrived in Lombok by calling him. Lucky for me, the transfer driver took my ticket off of me, tried to undercut the agent by offering me transfers elsewhere, and I realised yesterday when I asked the driver for the vendor's number as written on the ticket he gave me his own mobile number instead.

So now I can't pay for the ticket, and I sure as hell am not using this company or any party associated with them to book anything else.

I was a bit better today and went for a long bikeride, which cheered me up a lot. However it just reinforced the fact that there really isn't much to do on this island, though it's much more local and less touristy than Bali or Gili.

I think I am fed up of Indonesia - Thailand here I come! soon as I can afford it.

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